Clipping with Planes & Boxes#

Clip/cut any dataset using using planes or boxes.

import pyvista as pv
from pyvista import examples

Clip with Plane#

Clip any dataset by a user defined plane using the pyvista.DataSetFilters.clip() filter

dataset = examples.download_bunny_coarse()
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells1000
N Points872
N Strips0
X Bounds-1.316e-01, 1.802e-01
Y Bounds-1.205e-01, 1.877e-01
Z Bounds-1.430e-01, 9.851e-02
N Arrays1
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax

Help on method clip in module pyvista.core.filters.data_set:

clip(normal='x', origin=None, invert=True, value=0.0, inplace=False, return_clipped=False, progress_bar=False, crinkle=False) method of pyvista.core.pointset.PolyData instance
    Clip a dataset by a plane by specifying the origin and normal.

    If no parameters are given the clip will occur in the center
    of that dataset.

    normal : tuple(float) or str, default: 'x'
        Length 3 tuple for the normal vector direction. Can also
        be specified as a string conventional direction such as
        ``'x'`` for ``(1, 0, 0)`` or ``'-x'`` for ``(-1, 0, 0)``, etc.

    origin : sequence[float], optional
        The center ``(x, y, z)`` coordinate of the plane on which the clip
        occurs. The default is the center of the dataset.

    invert : bool, default: True
        Flag on whether to flip/invert the clip.

    value : float, default: 0.0
        Set the clipping value along the normal direction.

    inplace : bool, default: False
        Updates mesh in-place.

    return_clipped : bool, default: False
        Return both unclipped and clipped parts of the dataset.

    progress_bar : bool, default: False
        Display a progress bar to indicate progress.

    crinkle : bool, default: False
        Crinkle the clip by extracting the entire cells along the
        clip. This adds the ``"cell_ids"`` array to the ``cell_data``
        attribute that tracks the original cell IDs of the original

    pyvista.PolyData or tuple[pyvista.PolyData]
        Clipped mesh when ``return_clipped=False``,
        otherwise a tuple containing the unclipped and clipped datasets.

    Clip a cube along the +X direction.  ``triangulate`` is used as
    the cube is initially composed of quadrilateral faces and
    subdivide only works on triangles.

    >>> import pyvista as pv
    >>> cube = pv.Cube().triangulate().subdivide(3)
    >>> clipped_cube = cube.clip()
    >>> clipped_cube.plot()

    Clip a cube in the +Z direction.  This leaves half a cube
    below the XY plane.

    >>> import pyvista as pv
    >>> cube = pv.Cube().triangulate().subdivide(3)
    >>> clipped_cube = cube.clip('z')
    >>> clipped_cube.plot()

    See :ref:`clip_with_surface_example` for more examples using this filter.

Perform a clip with a Y axis normal

clipped = dataset.clip("y", invert=False)
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells427
N Points248
N Strips0
X Bounds-1.316e-01, 1.326e-01
Y Bounds3.360e-02, 1.877e-01
Z Bounds-1.430e-01, 8.721e-02
N Arrays1
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax

Plot the result.

p = pv.Plotter()
p.add_mesh(dataset, style="wireframe", color="blue", label="Input")
p.add_mesh(clipped, label="Clipped")
p.camera_position = [(0.24, 0.32, 0.7), (0.02, 0.03, -0.02), (-0.12, 0.93, -0.34)]
b clipping

Clip with Bounds#

Clip any dataset by a set of XYZ bounds using the pyvista.DataSetFilters.clip_box() filter.

First, download an example dataset.

dataset = examples.download_office()
Help on method clip_box in module pyvista.core.filters.data_set:

clip_box(bounds=None, invert=True, factor=0.35, progress_bar=False, merge_points=True, crinkle=False) method of pyvista.core.pointset.StructuredGrid instance
    Clip a dataset by a bounding box defined by the bounds.

    If no bounds are given, a corner of the dataset bounds will be removed.

    bounds : sequence[float], optional
        Length 6 sequence of floats: ``(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)``.
        Length 3 sequence of floats: distances from the min coordinate of
        of the input mesh. Single float value: uniform distance from the
        min coordinate. Length 12 sequence of length 3 sequence of floats:
        a plane collection (normal, center, ...).
        :class:`pyvista.PolyData`: if a poly mesh is passed that represents
        a box with 6 faces that all form a standard box, then planes will
        be extracted from the box to define the clipping region.

    invert : bool, default: True
        Flag on whether to flip/invert the clip.

    factor : float, default: 0.35
        If bounds are not given this is the factor along each axis to
        extract the default box.

    progress_bar : bool, default: False
        Display a progress bar to indicate progress.

    merge_points : bool, default: True
        If ``True``, coinciding points of independently defined mesh
        elements will be merged.

    crinkle : bool, default: False
        Crinkle the clip by extracting the entire cells along the
        clip. This adds the ``"cell_ids"`` array to the ``cell_data``
        attribute that tracks the original cell IDs of the original

        Clipped dataset.

    Clip a corner of a cube.  The bounds of a cube are normally
    ``[-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5]``, and this removes 1/8 of
    the cube's surface.

    >>> import pyvista as pv
    >>> cube = pv.Cube().triangulate().subdivide(3)
    >>> clipped_cube = cube.clip_box([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1])
    >>> clipped_cube.plot()

    See :ref:`clip_with_plane_box_example` for more examples using this filter.

Clip the dataset with a bounding box defined by the values in bounds (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)

bounds = [2, 4.5, 2, 4.5, 1, 3]
clipped = dataset.clip_box(bounds)
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells38690
N Points9438
X Bounds1.000e-02, 4.500e+00
Y Bounds1.000e-02, 4.500e+00
Z Bounds1.000e-02, 2.500e+00
N Arrays2
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax

Plot the original dataset and the clipped one.

p = pv.Plotter()
p.add_mesh(dataset, style="wireframe", color="blue", label="Input")
p.add_mesh(clipped, label="Clipped")
b clipping

Clip with Rotated Box#

Clip any dataset by an arbitrarily rotated solid box using the pyvista.DataSetFilters.clip_box() filter.

mesh = examples.load_airplane()

# Use `pv.Box()` or `pv.Cube()` to create a region of interest
roi = pv.Cube(center=(0.9e3, 0.2e3,[2]), x_length=500, y_length=500, z_length=500)
roi.rotate_z(33, inplace=True)

p = pv.Plotter()
p.add_mesh(roi, opacity=0.75, color="red")
p.add_mesh(mesh, opacity=0.5)
b clipping

Run the box clipping algorithm with the defined box geometry.

extracted = mesh.clip_box(roi, invert=False)

p = pv.Plotter(shape=(1, 2))
p.add_mesh(roi, opacity=0.75, color="red")
p.subplot(0, 1)
p.add_mesh(roi, opacity=0.75, color="red")
b clipping

Crinkled Clipping#

Crinkled clipping is useful if you don’t want the clip filter to truly clip cells on the boundary, but want to preserve the input cell structure and to pass the entire cell on through the boundary.

This option is available for pyvista.DataSetFilters.clip(), pyvista.DataSetFilters.clip_box(), and pyvista.DataSetFilters.clip_sruface(), but not available when clipping by scalar in pyvista.DataSetFilters.clip_scalar().

# Input mesh
mesh = pv.Wavelet()

Define clipping plane

normal = (1, 1, 1)
plane = pv.Plane(i_size=30, j_size=30, direction=normal)

Perform a standard clip

Perform a crinkled clip to compare

crinkled = mesh.clip(normal=normal, crinkle=True)

Plot comparison

p = pv.Plotter(shape=(1, 2))
p.add_mesh(clipped, show_edges=True)
p.add_mesh(plane.extract_feature_edges(), color="r")
p.subplot(0, 1)
p.add_mesh(crinkled, show_edges=True)
p.add_mesh(plane.extract_feature_edges(), color="r")
b clipping
Open In Colab

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.262 seconds)

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