Using VTK Algorithms

Using VTK Algorithms#

In this exercise, you will use a VTK Algorithm directly to filter a PyVista mesh.

VTK algorithms (filters) follow a standard flow for most cases:

  1. Instantiate the algorithm

  2. Set the input data object or connection: .SetInputDataObject(mesh)

  3. Adjust algorithm parameters with the setter methods, e.g., SetParameterName(value)

  4. Call .Update() to run the algorithm

  5. Retrieve the output of the algorithm: output = alg.GetOutput()

Let’s see if we can try a few VTK algorithms with that standard workflow.

import pyvista as pv
import vtk
from pyvista import examples

Here is a sample mesh

mesh = examples.load_random_hills()
HeaderData Arrays
N Cells19602
N Points10000
N Strips0
X Bounds-1.000e+01, 1.000e+01
Y Bounds-2.309e-14, 2.000e+01
Z Bounds1.416e-01, 7.483e+00
N Arrays2
NameFieldTypeN CompMinMax

c vtk algorithms

Simple Filter#

Let’s start out with a simple VTK filter: vtkOutlineFilter

Help on class vtkOutlineFilter in module vtkmodules.vtkFiltersModeling:

class vtkOutlineFilter(vtkmodules.vtkCommonExecutionModel.vtkPolyDataAlgorithm)
 |  vtkOutlineFilter - create wireframe outline for an arbitrary data set
 |  or composite dataset
 |  Superclass: vtkPolyDataAlgorithm
 |  vtkOutlineFilter is a filter that generates a wireframe outline of
 |  any dataset or composite dataset. An outline consists of the twelve
 |  edges of the dataset bounding box. An option exists for generating
 |  faces instead of a wireframe outline.
 |  @warning
 |  When an input composite dataset is provided, options exist for
 |  producing different styles of outline(s). Also, if the composite
 |  dataset has non-geometric members (like tables) the result is
 |  unpredictable.
 |  @warning
 |  Specialized versions of the outline filter are also available. For
 |  example see vtkStructuredGridOutlineFilter,
 |  vtkRectilinearGridOutlineFilter, and vtkImageDataOutlineFilter.
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      vtkOutlineFilter
 |      vtkmodules.vtkCommonExecutionModel.vtkPolyDataAlgorithm
 |      vtkmodules.vtkCommonExecutionModel.vtkAlgorithm
 |      vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore.vtkObject
 |      vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore.vtkObjectBase
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  AddIndex(...)
 |      AddIndex(self, index:int) -> None
 |      C++: void AddIndex(unsigned int index)
 |      If the composite style is set to SpecifiedIndex, then one or more
 |      flat indices can be specified, and bounding boxes will be drawn
 |      around those pieces of the composite dataset. (Recall that the
 |      flat index is a non-negative integer, with root index=0,
 |      increasing in perorder (depth-first) traversal order.
 |  GenerateFacesOff(...)
 |      GenerateFacesOff(self) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void GenerateFacesOff()
 |  GenerateFacesOn(...)
 |      GenerateFacesOn(self) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void GenerateFacesOn()
 |  GetCompositeStyle(...)
 |      GetCompositeStyle(self) -> int
 |      C++: virtual int GetCompositeStyle()
 |  GetGenerateFaces(...)
 |      GetGenerateFaces(self) -> int
 |      C++: virtual vtkTypeBool GetGenerateFaces()
 |  GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBase(...)
 |      GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBase(self, type:str) -> int
 |      C++: vtkIdType GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBase(const char *type)
 |          override;
 |      Given the name of a base class of this class type, return the
 |      distance of inheritance between this class type and the named
 |      class (how many generations of inheritance are there between this
 |      class and the named class). If the named class is not in this
 |      class's inheritance tree, return a negative value. Valid
 |      responses will always be nonnegative. This method works in
 |      combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.
 |  GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBaseType(...)
 |      GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBaseType(type:str) -> int
 |      C++: static vtkIdType GetNumberOfGenerationsFromBaseType(
 |          const char *type)
 |      Given a the name of a base class of this class type, return the
 |      distance of inheritance between this class type and the named
 |      class (how many generations of inheritance are there between this
 |      class and the named class). If the named class is not in this
 |      class's inheritance tree, return a negative value. Valid
 |      responses will always be nonnegative. This method works in
 |      combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.
 |  GetOutputPointsPrecision(...)
 |      GetOutputPointsPrecision(self) -> int
 |      C++: virtual int GetOutputPointsPrecision()
 |  IsA(...)
 |      IsA(self, type:str) -> int
 |      C++: vtkTypeBool IsA(const char *type) override;
 |      Return 1 if this class is the same type of (or a subclass of) the
 |      named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in
 |      combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.
 |  IsTypeOf(...)
 |      IsTypeOf(type:str) -> int
 |      C++: static vtkTypeBool IsTypeOf(const char *type)
 |      Return 1 if this class type is the same type of (or a subclass
 |      of) the named class. Returns 0 otherwise. This method works in
 |      combination with vtkTypeMacro found in vtkSetGet.h.
 |  NewInstance(...)
 |      NewInstance(self) -> vtkOutlineFilter
 |      C++: vtkOutlineFilter *NewInstance()
 |  RemoveAllIndices(...)
 |      RemoveAllIndices(self) -> None
 |      C++: void RemoveAllIndices()
 |  RemoveIndex(...)
 |      RemoveIndex(self, index:int) -> None
 |      C++: void RemoveIndex(unsigned int index)
 |  SafeDownCast(...)
 |      SafeDownCast(o:vtkObjectBase) -> vtkOutlineFilter
 |      C++: static vtkOutlineFilter *SafeDownCast(vtkObjectBase *o)
 |  SetCompositeStyle(...)
 |      SetCompositeStyle(self, _arg:int) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetCompositeStyle(int _arg)
 |      Specify a style for creating bounding boxes around input
 |      composite datasets. (If the filter input is a vtkDataSet type
 |      these options have no effect.) There are four choices: 1) place a
 |      bounding box around the root of the vtkCompositeDataSet (i.e.,
 |      all of the data); 2) place separate bounding boxes around each
 |      vtkDataSet leaf of the composite dataset; 3) place a bounding box
 |      around the root and all dataset leaves; and 4) place a bounding
 |      box around each (flat) index of the composite dataset. The
 |      default behavior is both root and leafs.
 |  SetCompositeStyleToLeafs(...)
 |      SetCompositeStyleToLeafs(self) -> None
 |      C++: void SetCompositeStyleToLeafs()
 |  SetCompositeStyleToRoot(...)
 |      SetCompositeStyleToRoot(self) -> None
 |      C++: void SetCompositeStyleToRoot()
 |  SetCompositeStyleToRootAndLeafs(...)
 |      SetCompositeStyleToRootAndLeafs(self) -> None
 |      C++: void SetCompositeStyleToRootAndLeafs()
 |  SetCompositeStyleToSpecifiedIndex(...)
 |      SetCompositeStyleToSpecifiedIndex(self) -> None
 |      C++: void SetCompositeStyleToSpecifiedIndex()
 |  SetGenerateFaces(...)
 |      SetGenerateFaces(self, _arg:int) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetGenerateFaces(vtkTypeBool _arg)
 |      Generate solid faces for the box. This is off by default.
 |  SetOutputPointsPrecision(...)
 |      SetOutputPointsPrecision(self, _arg:int) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetOutputPointsPrecision(int _arg)
 |      Set/get the desired precision for the output points.
 |      vtkAlgorithm::SINGLE_PRECISION - Output single-precision floating
 |      point. vtkAlgorithm::DOUBLE_PRECISION - Output double-precision
 |      floating point.
 |  __delattr__(self, name, /)
 |      Implement delattr(self, name).
 |  __getattribute__(self, name, /)
 |      Return getattr(self, name).
 |  __repr__(self, /)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __setattr__(self, name, value, /)
 |      Implement setattr(self, name, value).
 |  __str__(self, /)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Static methods defined here:
 |  __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
 |      Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  __dict__
 |      Dictionary of attributes set by user.
 |  __this__
 |      Pointer to the C++ object.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  CompositeOutlineStyle = <class 'vtkmodules.vtkFiltersModeling.vtkOutli...
 |  ROOT_LEVEL = 0
 |  __vtkname__ = 'vtkOutlineFilter'
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from vtkmodules.vtkCommonExecutionModel.vtkPolyDataAlgorithm:
 |  AddInputData(...)
 |      AddInputData(self, __a:vtkDataObject) -> None
 |      C++: void AddInputData(vtkDataObject *)
 |      AddInputData(self, __a:int, __b:vtkDataObject) -> None
 |      C++: void AddInputData(int, vtkDataObject *)
 |      Assign a data object as input. Note that this method does not
 |      establish a pipeline connection. Use AddInputConnection() to
 |      setup a pipeline connection.
 |  GetInput(...)
 |      GetInput(self) -> vtkDataObject
 |      C++: vtkDataObject *GetInput()
 |      GetInput(self, port:int) -> vtkDataObject
 |      C++: vtkDataObject *GetInput(int port)
 |  GetOutput(...)
 |      GetOutput(self) -> vtkPolyData
 |      C++: vtkPolyData *GetOutput()
 |      GetOutput(self, __a:int) -> vtkPolyData
 |      C++: vtkPolyData *GetOutput(int)
 |      Get the output data object for a port on this algorithm.
 |  GetPolyDataInput(...)
 |      GetPolyDataInput(self, port:int) -> vtkPolyData
 |      C++: vtkPolyData *GetPolyDataInput(int port)
 |  SetInputData(...)
 |      SetInputData(self, __a:vtkDataObject) -> None
 |      C++: void SetInputData(vtkDataObject *)
 |      SetInputData(self, __a:int, __b:vtkDataObject) -> None
 |      C++: void SetInputData(int, vtkDataObject *)
 |      Assign a data object as input. Note that this method does not
 |      establish a pipeline connection. Use SetInputConnection() to
 |      setup a pipeline connection.
 |  SetOutput(...)
 |      SetOutput(self, d:vtkDataObject) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetOutput(vtkDataObject *d)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from vtkmodules.vtkCommonExecutionModel.vtkAlgorithm:
 |  ABORTED(...)
 |      ABORTED() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *ABORTED()
 |      \ingroup InformationKeys
 |  AbortExecuteOff(...)
 |      AbortExecuteOff(self) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void AbortExecuteOff()
 |  AbortExecuteOn(...)
 |      AbortExecuteOn(self) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void AbortExecuteOn()
 |  AddInputConnection(...)
 |      AddInputConnection(self, port:int, input:vtkAlgorithmOutput)
 |          -> None
 |      C++: virtual void AddInputConnection(int port,
 |          vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
 |      AddInputConnection(self, input:vtkAlgorithmOutput) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void AddInputConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
 |      Add a connection to the given input port index.  See
 |      SetInputConnection() for details on input connections.  This
 |      method is the complement to RemoveInputConnection() in that it
 |      adds only the connection specified without affecting other
 |      connections.  Typical usage is
 |      * filter2->AddInputConnection(0, filter1->GetOutputPort(0)).
 |  AddInputDataObject(...)
 |      AddInputDataObject(self, port:int, data:vtkDataObject) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void AddInputDataObject(int port,
 |          vtkDataObject *data)
 |      AddInputDataObject(self, data:vtkDataObject) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void AddInputDataObject(vtkDataObject *data)
 |      Add the data-object as an input to this given port. This will add
 |      a new input connection on the specified port without affecting
 |      any existing connections on the same input port.
 |      CAN_HANDLE_PIECE_REQUEST() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *CAN_HANDLE_PIECE_REQUEST()
 |      Key that tells the pipeline that a particular algorithm can or
 |      cannot handle piece request. If a filter cannot handle piece
 |      requests and is asked for a piece, the executive will flag an
 |      error. If a structured data source cannot handle piece requests
 |      but can produce sub-extents (CAN_PRODUCE_SUB_EXTENT), the
 |      executive will use an extent translator to split the extent into
 |      pieces. Otherwise, if a source cannot handle piece requests, the
 |      executive will ask for the whole data for piece 0 and not execute
 |      the source for other pieces.\ingroup InformationKeys
 |      CAN_PRODUCE_SUB_EXTENT() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *CAN_PRODUCE_SUB_EXTENT()
 |      This key tells the executive that a particular output port is
 |      capable of producing an arbitrary subextent of the whole extent.
 |      Many image sources and readers fall into this category but some
 |      such as the legacy structured data readers cannot support this
 |      feature.\ingroup InformationKeys
 |  CheckAbort(...)
 |      CheckAbort(self) -> bool
 |      C++: bool CheckAbort()
 |      Checks to see if this filter should abort.
 |  ConvertTotalInputToPortConnection(...)
 |      ConvertTotalInputToPortConnection(self, ind:int, port:int,
 |          conn:int) -> None
 |      C++: void ConvertTotalInputToPortConnection(int ind, int &port,
 |          int &conn)
 |      Convenience routine to convert from a linear ordering of input
 |      connections to a port/connection pair.
 |  GetAbortExecute(...)
 |      GetAbortExecute(self) -> int
 |      C++: virtual vtkTypeBool GetAbortExecute()
 |  GetAbortOutput(...)
 |      GetAbortOutput(self) -> bool
 |      C++: virtual bool GetAbortOutput()
 |  GetContainerAlgorithm(...)
 |      GetContainerAlgorithm(self) -> vtkAlgorithm
 |      C++: vtkAlgorithm *GetContainerAlgorithm()
 |  GetErrorCode(...)
 |      GetErrorCode(self) -> int
 |      C++: virtual unsigned long GetErrorCode()
 |      The error code contains a possible error that occurred while
 |      reading or writing the file.
 |  GetExecutive(...)
 |      GetExecutive(self) -> vtkExecutive
 |      C++: vtkExecutive *GetExecutive()
 |      Get this algorithm's executive.  If it has none, a default
 |      executive will be created.
 |  GetInformation(...)
 |      GetInformation(self) -> vtkInformation
 |      C++: virtual vtkInformation *GetInformation()
 |      Set/Get the information object associated with this algorithm.
 |  GetInputAlgorithm(...)
 |      GetInputAlgorithm(self, port:int, index:int, algPort:int)
 |          -> vtkAlgorithm
 |      C++: vtkAlgorithm *GetInputAlgorithm(int port, int index,
 |          int &algPort)
 |      GetInputAlgorithm(self, port:int, index:int) -> vtkAlgorithm
 |      C++: vtkAlgorithm *GetInputAlgorithm(int port, int index)
 |      GetInputAlgorithm(self) -> vtkAlgorithm
 |      C++: vtkAlgorithm *GetInputAlgorithm()
 |      Returns the algorithm and the output port index of that algorithm
 |      connected to a port-index pair.
 |  GetInputArrayInformation(...)
 |      GetInputArrayInformation(self, idx:int) -> vtkInformation
 |      C++: vtkInformation *GetInputArrayInformation(int idx)
 |      Get the info object for the specified input array to this
 |      algorithm
 |  GetInputConnection(...)
 |      GetInputConnection(self, port:int, index:int)
 |          -> vtkAlgorithmOutput
 |      C++: vtkAlgorithmOutput *GetInputConnection(int port, int index)
 |      Get the algorithm output port connected to an input port.
 |  GetInputDataObject(...)
 |      GetInputDataObject(self, port:int, connection:int)
 |          -> vtkDataObject
 |      C++: vtkDataObject *GetInputDataObject(int port, int connection)
 |      Get the data object that will contain the algorithm input for the
 |      given port and given connection.
 |  GetInputExecutive(...)
 |      GetInputExecutive(self, port:int, index:int) -> vtkExecutive
 |      C++: vtkExecutive *GetInputExecutive(int port, int index)
 |      GetInputExecutive(self) -> vtkExecutive
 |      C++: vtkExecutive *GetInputExecutive()
 |      Returns the executive associated with a particular input
 |      connection.
 |  GetInputInformation(...)
 |      GetInputInformation(self, port:int, index:int) -> vtkInformation
 |      C++: vtkInformation *GetInputInformation(int port, int index)
 |      GetInputInformation(self) -> vtkInformation
 |      C++: vtkInformation *GetInputInformation()
 |      Return the information object that is associated with a
 |      particular input connection. This can be used to get meta-data
 |      coming from the REQUEST_INFORMATION pass and set requests for the
 |      REQUEST_UPDATE_EXTENT pass. NOTE: Do not use this in any of the
 |      pipeline passes. Use the information objects passed as arguments
 |      instead.
 |  GetInputPortInformation(...)
 |      GetInputPortInformation(self, port:int) -> vtkInformation
 |      C++: vtkInformation *GetInputPortInformation(int port)
 |      Get the information object associated with an input port.  There
 |      is one input port per kind of input to the algorithm.  Each input
 |      port tells executives what kind of data and downstream requests
 |      this algorithm can handle for that input.
 |  GetNumberOfInputConnections(...)
 |      GetNumberOfInputConnections(self, port:int) -> int
 |      C++: int GetNumberOfInputConnections(int port)
 |      Get the number of inputs currently connected to a port.
 |  GetNumberOfInputPorts(...)
 |      GetNumberOfInputPorts(self) -> int
 |      C++: int GetNumberOfInputPorts()
 |      Get the number of input ports used by the algorithm.
 |  GetNumberOfOutputPorts(...)
 |      GetNumberOfOutputPorts(self) -> int
 |      C++: int GetNumberOfOutputPorts()
 |      Get the number of output ports provided by the algorithm.
 |  GetOutputDataObject(...)
 |      GetOutputDataObject(self, port:int) -> vtkDataObject
 |      C++: vtkDataObject *GetOutputDataObject(int port)
 |      Get the data object that will contain the algorithm output for
 |      the given port.
 |  GetOutputInformation(...)
 |      GetOutputInformation(self, port:int) -> vtkInformation
 |      C++: vtkInformation *GetOutputInformation(int port)
 |      Return the information object that is associated with a
 |      particular output port. This can be used to set meta-data coming
 |      during the REQUEST_INFORMATION. NOTE: Do not use this in any of
 |      the pipeline passes. Use the information objects passed as
 |      arguments instead.
 |  GetOutputPort(...)
 |      GetOutputPort(self, index:int) -> vtkAlgorithmOutput
 |      C++: vtkAlgorithmOutput *GetOutputPort(int index)
 |      GetOutputPort(self) -> vtkAlgorithmOutput
 |      C++: vtkAlgorithmOutput *GetOutputPort()
 |      Get a proxy object corresponding to the given output port of this
 |      algorithm.  The proxy object can be passed to another algorithm's
 |      SetInputConnection(), AddInputConnection(), and
 |      RemoveInputConnection() methods to modify pipeline connectivity.
 |  GetOutputPortInformation(...)
 |      GetOutputPortInformation(self, port:int) -> vtkInformation
 |      C++: vtkInformation *GetOutputPortInformation(int port)
 |      Get the information object associated with an output port.  There
 |      is one output port per output from the algorithm.  Each output
 |      port tells executives what kind of upstream requests this
 |      algorithm can handle for that output.
 |  GetProgress(...)
 |      GetProgress(self) -> float
 |      C++: virtual double GetProgress()
 |      Get the execution progress of a process object.
 |  GetProgressObserver(...)
 |      GetProgressObserver(self) -> vtkProgressObserver
 |      C++: virtual vtkProgressObserver *GetProgressObserver()
 |  GetProgressScale(...)
 |      GetProgressScale(self) -> float
 |      C++: virtual double GetProgressScale()
 |  GetProgressShift(...)
 |      GetProgressShift(self) -> float
 |      C++: virtual double GetProgressShift()
 |  GetProgressText(...)
 |      GetProgressText(self) -> str
 |      C++: virtual char *GetProgressText()
 |  GetReleaseDataFlag(...)
 |      GetReleaseDataFlag(self) -> int
 |      C++: virtual vtkTypeBool GetReleaseDataFlag()
 |  GetTotalNumberOfInputConnections(...)
 |      GetTotalNumberOfInputConnections(self) -> int
 |      C++: int GetTotalNumberOfInputConnections()
 |      Get the total number of inputs for this algorithm
 |  GetUpdateExtent(...)
 |      GetUpdateExtent(self) -> (int, int, int, int, int, int)
 |      C++: int *GetUpdateExtent()
 |      GetUpdateExtent(self, port:int) -> (int, int, int, int, int, int)
 |      C++: int *GetUpdateExtent(int port)
 |      GetUpdateExtent(self, x0:int, x1:int, y0:int, y1:int, z0:int,
 |          z1:int) -> None
 |      C++: void GetUpdateExtent(int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1,
 |          int &z0, int &z1)
 |      GetUpdateExtent(self, port:int, x0:int, x1:int, y0:int, y1:int,
 |          z0:int, z1:int) -> None
 |      C++: void GetUpdateExtent(int port, int &x0, int &x1, int &y0,
 |          int &y1, int &z0, int &z1)
 |      GetUpdateExtent(self, extent:[int, int, int, int, int, int])
 |          -> None
 |      C++: void GetUpdateExtent(int extent[6])
 |      GetUpdateExtent(self, port:int, extent:[int, int, int, int, int,
 |          int]) -> None
 |      C++: void GetUpdateExtent(int port, int extent[6])
 |      These functions return the update extent for output ports that
 |      use 3D extents. Where port is not specified, it is assumed to be
 |      0.
 |  GetUpdateGhostLevel(...)
 |      GetUpdateGhostLevel(self) -> int
 |      C++: int GetUpdateGhostLevel()
 |      GetUpdateGhostLevel(self, port:int) -> int
 |      C++: int GetUpdateGhostLevel(int port)
 |  GetUpdateNumberOfPieces(...)
 |      GetUpdateNumberOfPieces(self) -> int
 |      C++: int GetUpdateNumberOfPieces()
 |      GetUpdateNumberOfPieces(self, port:int) -> int
 |      C++: int GetUpdateNumberOfPieces(int port)
 |  GetUpdatePiece(...)
 |      GetUpdatePiece(self) -> int
 |      C++: int GetUpdatePiece()
 |      GetUpdatePiece(self, port:int) -> int
 |      C++: int GetUpdatePiece(int port)
 |      These functions return the update extent for output ports that
 |      use piece extents. Where port is not specified, it is assumed to
 |      be 0.
 |  HasExecutive(...)
 |      HasExecutive(self) -> int
 |      C++: vtkTypeBool HasExecutive()
 |      Check whether this algorithm has an assigned executive.  This
 |      will NOT create a default executive.
 |      INPUT_ARRAYS_TO_PROCESS() -> vtkInformationInformationVectorKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationInformationVectorKey *INPUT_ARRAYS_TO_PROCESS(
 |          )
 |      \ingroup InformationKeys
 |      INPUT_CONNECTION() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *INPUT_CONNECTION()
 |      \ingroup InformationKeys
 |      INPUT_IS_OPTIONAL() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *INPUT_IS_OPTIONAL()
 |      Keys used to specify input port requirements.\ingroup
 |      InformationKeys
 |      INPUT_IS_REPEATABLE() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *INPUT_IS_REPEATABLE()
 |      \ingroup InformationKeys
 |  INPUT_PORT(...)
 |      INPUT_PORT() -> vtkInformationIntegerKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationIntegerKey *INPUT_PORT()
 |      \ingroup InformationKeys
 |      INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE() -> vtkInformationStringVectorKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationStringVectorKey *INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE(
 |          )
 |      \ingroup InformationKeys
 |      INPUT_REQUIRED_FIELDS() -> vtkInformationInformationVectorKey
 |      C++: static vtkInformationInformationVectorKey *INPUT_REQUIRED_FIELDS(
 |          )
 |      \ingroup InformationKeys
 |  ModifyRequest(...)
 |      ModifyRequest(self, request:vtkInformation, when:int) -> int
 |      C++: virtual int ModifyRequest(vtkInformation *request, int when)
 |      This method gives the algorithm a chance to modify the contents
 |      of a request before or after (specified in the when argument) it
 |      is forwarded. The default implementation is empty. Returns 1 on
 |      success, 0 on failure. When can be either
 |      vtkExecutive::BeforeForward or vtkExecutive::AfterForward.
 |  ProcessRequest(...)
 |      ProcessRequest(self, request:vtkInformation, inInfo:vtkCollection,
 |           outInfo:vtkInformationVector) -> int
 |      C++: vtkTypeBool ProcessRequest(vtkInformation *request,
 |          vtkCollection *inInfo, vtkInformationVector *outInfo)
 |      Version of ProcessRequest() that is wrapped. This converts the
 |      collection to an array and calls the other version.
 |  PropagateUpdateExtent(...)
 |      PropagateUpdateExtent(self) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void PropagateUpdateExtent()
 |      Propagate meta-data upstream.
 |  ReleaseDataFlagOff(...)
 |      ReleaseDataFlagOff(self) -> None
 |      C++: void ReleaseDataFlagOff()
 |  ReleaseDataFlagOn(...)
 |      ReleaseDataFlagOn(self) -> None
 |      C++: void ReleaseDataFlagOn()
 |  RemoveAllInputConnections(...)
 |      RemoveAllInputConnections(self, port:int) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void RemoveAllInputConnections(int port)
 |      Removes all input connections.
 |  RemoveAllInputs(...)
 |      RemoveAllInputs(self) -> None
 |      C++: void RemoveAllInputs()
 |      Remove all the input data.
 |  RemoveInputConnection(...)
 |      RemoveInputConnection(self, port:int, input:vtkAlgorithmOutput)
 |          -> None
 |      C++: virtual void RemoveInputConnection(int port,
 |          vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
 |      RemoveInputConnection(self, port:int, idx:int) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void RemoveInputConnection(int port, int idx)
 |      Remove a connection from the given input port index.  See
 |      SetInputConnection() for details on input connection.  This
 |      method is the complement to AddInputConnection() in that it
 |      removes only the connection specified without affecting other
 |      connections.  Typical usage is
 |      * filter2->RemoveInputConnection(0, filter1->GetOutputPort(0)).
 |  SetAbortExecute(...)
 |      SetAbortExecute(self, _arg:int) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetAbortExecute(vtkTypeBool _arg)
 |      Set/Get the AbortExecute flag for the process object. Process
 |      objects may handle premature termination of execution in
 |      different ways.
 |  SetAbortExecuteAndUpdateTime(...)
 |      SetAbortExecuteAndUpdateTime(self) -> None
 |      C++: void SetAbortExecuteAndUpdateTime()
 |      Set AbortExecute Flag and update LastAbortTime.
 |  SetAbortOutput(...)
 |      SetAbortOutput(self, _arg:bool) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetAbortOutput(bool _arg)
 |      Set/Get an internal variable used to communicate between the
 |      algorithm and executive. If the executive sees this value is set,
 |      it will initialize the output data and pass the ABORTED flag
 |      downstream.
 |      CheckAbort sets this value to true if the function returns true.
 |  SetContainerAlgorithm(...)
 |      SetContainerAlgorithm(self, containerAlg:vtkAlgorithm) -> None
 |      C++: void SetContainerAlgorithm(vtkAlgorithm *containerAlg)
 |      Set/get a Container algorithm for this algorithm. Allows this
 |      algorithm to check to abort status of its Container algorithm as
 |      well as have access to its Container's information.
 |  SetDefaultExecutivePrototype(...)
 |      SetDefaultExecutivePrototype(proto:vtkExecutive) -> None
 |      C++: static void SetDefaultExecutivePrototype(vtkExecutive *proto)
 |      If the DefaultExecutivePrototype is set, a copy of it is created
 |      in CreateDefaultExecutive() using NewInstance().
 |  SetExecutive(...)
 |      SetExecutive(self, executive:vtkExecutive) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetExecutive(vtkExecutive *executive)
 |      Set this algorithm's executive.  This algorithm is removed from
 |      any executive to which it has previously been assigned and then
 |      assigned to the given executive.
 |  SetInformation(...)
 |      SetInformation(self, __a:vtkInformation) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetInformation(vtkInformation *)
 |  SetInputArrayToProcess(...)
 |      SetInputArrayToProcess(self, idx:int, port:int, connection:int,
 |          fieldAssociation:int, name:str) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess(int idx, int port,
 |          int connection, int fieldAssociation, const char *name)
 |      SetInputArrayToProcess(self, idx:int, port:int, connection:int,
 |          fieldAssociation:int, fieldAttributeType:int) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess(int idx, int port,
 |          int connection, int fieldAssociation, int fieldAttributeType)
 |      SetInputArrayToProcess(self, idx:int, info:vtkInformation) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess(int idx,
 |          vtkInformation *info)
 |      SetInputArrayToProcess(self, idx:int, port:int, connection:int,
 |          fieldAssociation:str, attributeTypeorName:str) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess(int idx, int port,
 |          int connection, const char *fieldAssociation,
 |          const char *attributeTypeorName)
 |      Set the input data arrays that this algorithm will process.
 |      Specifically the idx array that this algorithm will process
 |      (starting from 0) is the array on port, connection with the
 |      specified association and name or attribute type (such as
 |      SCALARS). The fieldAssociation refers to which field in the data
 |      object the array is stored. See vtkDataObject::FieldAssociations
 |      for detail.
 |  SetInputConnection(...)
 |      SetInputConnection(self, port:int, input:vtkAlgorithmOutput)
 |          -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetInputConnection(int port,
 |          vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
 |      SetInputConnection(self, input:vtkAlgorithmOutput) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetInputConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
 |      Set the connection for the given input port index.  Each input
 |      port of a filter has a specific purpose.  A port may have zero or
 |      more connections and the required number is specified by each
 |      filter.  Setting the connection with this method removes all
 |      other connections from the port.  To add more than one connection
 |      use AddInputConnection().
 |      * The input for the connection is the output port of another
 |      * filter, which is obtained with GetOutputPort().  Typical usage
 |        is
 |      * filter2->SetInputConnection(0, filter1->GetOutputPort(0)).
 |  SetInputDataObject(...)
 |      SetInputDataObject(self, port:int, data:vtkDataObject) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetInputDataObject(int port,
 |          vtkDataObject *data)
 |      SetInputDataObject(self, data:vtkDataObject) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetInputDataObject(vtkDataObject *data)
 |      Sets the data-object as an input on the given port index. Setting
 |      the input with this method removes all other connections from the
 |      port. Internally, this method creates a vtkTrivialProducer
 |      instance and sets that as the input-connection for the given
 |      port. It is safe to call this method repeatedly with the same
 |      input data object. The MTime of the vtkAlgorithm will not change
 |      unless the data object changed.
 |  SetProgressObserver(...)
 |      SetProgressObserver(self, __a:vtkProgressObserver) -> None
 |      C++: void SetProgressObserver(vtkProgressObserver *)
 |      If an ProgressObserver is set, the algorithm will report progress
 |      through it rather than directly. This means that it will call
 |      UpdateProgress() on the ProgressObserver rather than itself
 |      report it and set progress. This is most useful in situations
 |      where multiple threads are executing an algorithm at the same
 |      time and want to handle progress locally.
 |  SetProgressShiftScale(...)
 |      SetProgressShiftScale(self, shift:float, scale:float) -> None
 |      C++: void SetProgressShiftScale(double shift, double scale)
 |      Specify the shift and scale values to use to apply to the
 |      progress amount when `UpdateProgress` is called. By default shift
 |      is set to 0, and scale is set to 1.0. This is useful when the
 |      vtkAlgorithm instance is used as an internal algorithm to solve
 |      only a part of a whole problem.
 |      If calling on a internal vtkAlgorithm, make sure you take into
 |      consideration that values set of the outer vtkAlgorithm as well
 |      since the outer vtkAlgorithm itself may be nested in another
 |      algorithm.
 |      ote SetProgressShiftScale does not modify the MTime of the
 |      algorithm.
 |  SetProgressText(...)
 |      SetProgressText(self, ptext:str) -> None
 |      C++: void SetProgressText(const char *ptext)
 |      Set the current text message associated with the progress state.
 |      This may be used by a calling process/GUI. Note: Because
 |      SetProgressText() is called from inside RequestData() it does not
 |      modify the algorithm object. Algorithms are not allowed to modify
 |      themselves from inside RequestData().
 |  SetReleaseDataFlag(...)
 |      SetReleaseDataFlag(self, __a:int) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetReleaseDataFlag(vtkTypeBool)
 |      Turn release data flag on or off for all output ports.
 |  Update(...)
 |      Update(self, port:int) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void Update(int port)
 |      Update(self) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void Update()
 |      Update(self, port:int, requests:vtkInformationVector) -> int
 |      C++: virtual vtkTypeBool Update(int port,
 |          vtkInformationVector *requests)
 |      Update(self, requests:vtkInformation) -> int
 |      C++: virtual vtkTypeBool Update(vtkInformation *requests)
 |      Bring this algorithm's outputs up-to-date.
 |  UpdateDataObject(...)
 |      UpdateDataObject(self) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void UpdateDataObject()
 |      Create output object(s).
 |  UpdateExtent(...)
 |      UpdateExtent(self, extents:(int, int, int, int, int, int)) -> int
 |      C++: virtual int UpdateExtent(const int extents[6])
 |      Convenience method to update an algorithm after passing requests
 |      to its first output port. Supports extent request.
 |  UpdateExtentIsEmpty(...)
 |      UpdateExtentIsEmpty(self, pinfo:vtkInformation,
 |          output:vtkDataObject) -> int
 |      C++: int UpdateExtentIsEmpty(vtkInformation *pinfo,
 |          vtkDataObject *output)
 |      UpdateExtentIsEmpty(self, pinfo:vtkInformation, extentType:int)
 |          -> int
 |      C++: int UpdateExtentIsEmpty(vtkInformation *pinfo,
 |          int extentType)
 |      This detects when the UpdateExtent will generate no data This
 |      condition is satisfied when the UpdateExtent has zero volume
 |      (0,-1,...) or the UpdateNumberOfPieces is 0. The source uses this
 |      call to determine whether to call Execute.
 |  UpdateInformation(...)
 |      UpdateInformation(self) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void UpdateInformation()
 |      Bring the algorithm's information up-to-date.
 |  UpdatePiece(...)
 |      UpdatePiece(self, piece:int, numPieces:int, ghostLevels:int,
 |          extents:(int, int, int, int, int, int)=...) -> int
 |      C++: virtual int UpdatePiece(int piece, int numPieces,
 |          int ghostLevels, const int extents[6]=nullptr)
 |      Convenience method to update an algorithm after passing requests
 |      to its first output port. See documentation for Update(int port,
 |      vtkInformationVector* requests) for details. Supports piece and
 |      extent (optional) requests.
 |  UpdateProgress(...)
 |      UpdateProgress(self, amount:float) -> None
 |      C++: void UpdateProgress(double amount)
 |      Update the progress of the process object. If a ProgressMethod
 |      exists, executes it.  Then set the Progress ivar to amount. The
 |      parameter amount should range between (0,1).
 |  UpdateTimeStep(...)
 |      UpdateTimeStep(self, time:float, piece:int=-1, numPieces:int=1,
 |          ghostLevels:int=0, extents:(int, int, int, int, int, int)=...)
 |           -> int
 |      C++: virtual int UpdateTimeStep(double time, int piece=-1,
 |          int numPieces=1, int ghostLevels=0,
 |          const int extents[6]=nullptr)
 |      Convenience method to update an algorithm after passing requests
 |      to its first output port. See documentation for Update(int port,
 |      vtkInformationVector* requests) for details. Supports time, piece
 |      (optional) and extent (optional) requests.
 |  UpdateWholeExtent(...)
 |      UpdateWholeExtent(self) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void UpdateWholeExtent()
 |      Bring this algorithm's outputs up-to-date.
 |  UsesGarbageCollector(...)
 |      UsesGarbageCollector(self) -> bool
 |      C++: bool UsesGarbageCollector() override;
 |      Participate in garbage collection.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from vtkmodules.vtkCommonExecutionModel.vtkAlgorithm:
 |  DesiredOutputPrecision = <class 'vtkmodules.vtkCommonExecutionModel.vt...
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore.vtkObject:
 |  AddObserver(...)
 |      AddObserver(self, event:int, command:Callback, priority:float=0.0) -> int
 |      C++: unsigned long AddObserver(const char* event,
 |          vtkCommand* command, float priority=0.0f)
 |      Add an event callback command(o:vtkObject, event:int) for an event type.
 |      Returns a handle that can be used with RemoveEvent(event:int).
 |  BreakOnError(...)
 |      BreakOnError() -> None
 |      C++: static void BreakOnError()
 |      This method is called when vtkErrorMacro executes. It allows the
 |      debugger to break on error.
 |  DebugOff(...)
 |      DebugOff(self) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void DebugOff()
 |      Turn debugging output off.
 |  DebugOn(...)
 |      DebugOn(self) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void DebugOn()
 |      Turn debugging output on.
 |  GetCommand(...)
 |      GetCommand(self, tag:int) -> vtkCommand
 |      C++: vtkCommand *GetCommand(unsigned long tag)
 |  GetDebug(...)
 |      GetDebug(self) -> bool
 |      C++: bool GetDebug()
 |      Get the value of the debug flag.
 |  GetGlobalWarningDisplay(...)
 |      GetGlobalWarningDisplay() -> int
 |      C++: static vtkTypeBool GetGlobalWarningDisplay()
 |  GetMTime(...)
 |      GetMTime(self) -> int
 |      C++: virtual vtkMTimeType GetMTime()
 |      Return this object's modified time.
 |  GetObjectDescription(...)
 |      GetObjectDescription(self) -> str
 |      C++: std::string GetObjectDescription() override;
 |      The object description printed in messages and PrintSelf output.
 |      To be used only for reporting purposes.
 |  GetObjectName(...)
 |      GetObjectName(self) -> str
 |      C++: virtual std::string GetObjectName()
 |  GlobalWarningDisplayOff(...)
 |      GlobalWarningDisplayOff() -> None
 |      C++: static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff()
 |  GlobalWarningDisplayOn(...)
 |      GlobalWarningDisplayOn() -> None
 |      C++: static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn()
 |  HasObserver(...)
 |      HasObserver(self, event:int, __b:vtkCommand) -> int
 |      C++: vtkTypeBool HasObserver(unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
 |      HasObserver(self, event:str, __b:vtkCommand) -> int
 |      C++: vtkTypeBool HasObserver(const char *event, vtkCommand *)
 |      HasObserver(self, event:int) -> int
 |      C++: vtkTypeBool HasObserver(unsigned long event)
 |      HasObserver(self, event:str) -> int
 |      C++: vtkTypeBool HasObserver(const char *event)
 |  InvokeEvent(...)
 |      InvokeEvent(self, event:int, callData:Any) -> int
 |      C++: int InvokeEvent(unsigned long event, void* callData)
 |      InvokeEvent(self, event:str, callData:Any) -> int
 |      C++: int InvokeEvent(const char* event, void* callData)
 |      InvokeEvent(self, event:int) -> int
 |      C++: int InvokeEvent(unsigned long event)
 |      InvokeEvent(self, event:str) -> int
 |      C++: int InvokeEvent(const char* event)
 |      This method invokes an event and returns whether the event was
 |      aborted or not. If the event was aborted, the return value is 1,
 |      otherwise it is 0.
 |  Modified(...)
 |      Modified(self) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void Modified()
 |      Update the modification time for this object. Many filters rely
 |      on the modification time to determine if they need to recompute
 |      their data. The modification time is a unique monotonically
 |      increasing unsigned long integer.
 |  RemoveAllObservers(...)
 |      RemoveAllObservers(self) -> None
 |      C++: void RemoveAllObservers()
 |  RemoveObserver(...)
 |      RemoveObserver(self, __a:vtkCommand) -> None
 |      C++: void RemoveObserver(vtkCommand *)
 |      RemoveObserver(self, tag:int) -> None
 |      C++: void RemoveObserver(unsigned long tag)
 |  RemoveObservers(...)
 |      RemoveObservers(self, event:int, __b:vtkCommand) -> None
 |      C++: void RemoveObservers(unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
 |      RemoveObservers(self, event:str, __b:vtkCommand) -> None
 |      C++: void RemoveObservers(const char *event, vtkCommand *)
 |      RemoveObservers(self, event:int) -> None
 |      C++: void RemoveObservers(unsigned long event)
 |      RemoveObservers(self, event:str) -> None
 |      C++: void RemoveObservers(const char *event)
 |  SetDebug(...)
 |      SetDebug(self, debugFlag:bool) -> None
 |      C++: void SetDebug(bool debugFlag)
 |      Set the value of the debug flag. A true value turns debugging on.
 |  SetGlobalWarningDisplay(...)
 |      SetGlobalWarningDisplay(val:int) -> None
 |      C++: static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay(vtkTypeBool val)
 |      This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or
 |      error messages are displayed.
 |  SetObjectName(...)
 |      SetObjectName(self, objectName:str) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void SetObjectName(const std::string &objectName)
 |      Set/get the name of this object for reporting purposes. The name
 |      appears in warning and debug messages and in the Print output.
 |      Setting the object name does not change the MTime and does not
 |      invoke a ModifiedEvent. Derived classes implementing copying
 |      methods are expected not to copy the ObjectName.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore.vtkObjectBase:
 |  FastDelete(...)
 |      FastDelete(self) -> None
 |      C++: virtual void FastDelete()
 |      Delete a reference to this object.  This version will not invoke
 |      garbage collection and can potentially leak the object if it is
 |      part of a reference loop.  Use this method only when it is known
 |      that the object has another reference and would not be collected
 |      if a full garbage collection check were done.
 |  GetAddressAsString(...)
 |      GetAddressAsString(self, classname:str) -> str
 |      Get address of C++ object in format 'Addr=%p' after casting to
 |      the specified type.  This method is obsolete, you can get the
 |      same information from o.__this__.
 |  GetClassName(...)
 |      GetClassName(self) -> str
 |      C++: const char *GetClassName()
 |      Return the class name as a string.
 |  GetIsInMemkind(...)
 |      GetIsInMemkind(self) -> bool
 |      C++: bool GetIsInMemkind()
 |      A local state flag that remembers whether this object lives in
 |      the normal or extended memory space.
 |  GetReferenceCount(...)
 |      GetReferenceCount(self) -> int
 |      C++: int GetReferenceCount()
 |      Return the current reference count of this object.
 |  GetUsingMemkind(...)
 |      GetUsingMemkind() -> bool
 |      C++: static bool GetUsingMemkind()
 |      A global state flag that controls whether vtkObjects are
 |      constructed in the usual way (the default) or within the extended
 |      memory space.
 |  InitializeObjectBase(...)
 |      InitializeObjectBase(self) -> None
 |      C++: void InitializeObjectBase()
 |  Register(...)
 |      Register(self, o:vtkObjectBase)
 |      C++: virtual void Register(vtkObjectBase *o)
 |      Increase the reference count by 1.
 |  SetMemkindDirectory(...)
 |      SetMemkindDirectory(directoryname:str) -> None
 |      C++: static void SetMemkindDirectory(const char *directoryname)
 |      The name of a directory, ideally mounted -o dax, to memory map an
 |      extended memory space within. This must be called before any
 |      objects are constructed in the extended space. It can not be
 |      changed once setup.
 |  SetReferenceCount(...)
 |      SetReferenceCount(self, __a:int) -> None
 |      C++: void SetReferenceCount(int)
 |      Sets the reference count. (This is very dangerous, use with
 |      care.)
 |  UnRegister(...)
 |      UnRegister(self, o:vtkObjectBase)
 |      C++: virtual void UnRegister(vtkObjectBase* o)
 |      Decrease the reference count (release by another object). This
 |      has the same effect as invoking Delete() (i.e., it reduces the
 |      reference count by 1).
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Class methods inherited from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore.vtkObjectBase:
 |  override(...) from builtins.type
 |      This method can be used to override a VTK class with a Python subclass.
 |      The class type passed to override will afterwards be instantiated
 |      instead of the type override is called on.
 |      For example,
 |      class foo(vtk.vtkPoints):
 |        pass
 |      vtk.vtkPoints.override(foo)
 |      will lead to foo being instantied everytime vtkPoints() is called.
 |      The main objective of this functionality is to enable developers to
 |      extend VTK classes with more pythonic subclasses that contain
 |      convenience functionality.

Try using this VTK filter yourself here:

Remember that you will have to wrap the output of the algorithm with pyvista.wrap()

alg = vtk.vtkOutlineFilter()

# (your code here, answer below)

outline = pv.wrap(alg.GetOutput())
N Cells0
N Points0
N Strips0
X Bounds1.000e+299, -1.000e+299
Y Bounds1.000e+299, -1.000e+299
Z Bounds1.000e+299, -1.000e+299
N Arrays0

alg.SetGenerateFaces(False)  # noqa: FBT003

outline = pv.wrap(alg.GetOutput())
N Cells12
N Points8
N Strips0
X Bounds-1.000e+01, 1.000e+01
Y Bounds-2.309e-14, 2.000e+01
Z Bounds1.416e-01, 7.483e+00
N Arrays0


Note that the about filter can be replaced with a .outline() filter in PyVista

c vtk algorithms

Find your own filter#

Take a look at VTK’s examples and documentation to find a filter you’d like to apply to your mesh. The instructors will be around to help you implement.


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