Create Triangulated Surface

Create Triangulated Surface#

Create a surface from a set of points through a Delaunay triangulation.


We will use a filter from PyVista to perform our triangulation: delaunay_2d.

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv

Simple Triangulations#

First, create some points for the surface.

# Define a simple Gaussian surface
n = 20
x = np.linspace(-200, 200, num=n) + np.random.uniform(-5, 5, size=n)
y = np.linspace(-200, 200, num=n) + np.random.uniform(-5, 5, size=n)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
A, b = 100, 100
zz = A * np.exp(-0.5 * ((xx / b) ** 2.0 + (yy / b) ** 2.0))

# Get the points as a 2D NumPy array (N by 3)
points = np.c_[xx.reshape(-1), yy.reshape(-1), zz.reshape(-1)]
points[0:5, :]
array([[-203.61880753, -204.22784145,    1.5631276 ],
       [-175.61776884, -204.22784145,    2.65817444],
       [-153.34424837, -204.22784145,    3.83433762],
       [-132.96903814, -204.22784145,    5.13295424],
       [-114.30232556, -204.22784145,    6.46542367]])

Now use those points to create a point cloud PyVista data object. This will be encompassed in a pyvista.PolyData object.

# simply pass the numpy points to the PolyData constructor
cloud = pv.PolyData(points)
d create tri surface

Now that we have a PyVista data structure of the points, we can perform a triangulation to turn those boring discrete points into a connected surface. See pyvista.UnstructuredGridFilters.delaunay_2d().

Help on method delaunay_2d in module pyvista.core.filters.poly_data:

delaunay_2d(tol=1e-05, alpha=0.0, offset=1.0, bound=False, inplace=False, edge_source=None, progress_bar=False) method of pyvista.core.pointset.PolyData instance
    Apply a 2D Delaunay filter along the best fitting plane.

    This filter can be used to generate a 2d surface from a set of
    points on a plane.  If you want to create a surface from a
    point cloud, see :func:`pyvista.PolyDataFilters.reconstruct_surface`.

    tol : float, default: 1e-05
        Specify a tolerance to control discarding of closely
        spaced points. This tolerance is specified as a fraction
        of the diagonal length of the bounding box of the points.

    alpha : float, default: 0.0
        Specify alpha (or distance) value to control output of
        this filter. For a non-zero alpha value, only edges or
        triangles contained within a sphere centered at mesh
        vertices will be output. Otherwise, only triangles will be

    offset : float, default: 1.0
        Specify a multiplier to control the size of the initial,
        bounding Delaunay triangulation.

    bound : bool, default: False
        Boolean controls whether bounding triangulation points
        and associated triangles are included in the
        output. These are introduced as an initial triangulation
        to begin the triangulation process. This feature is nice
        for debugging output.

    inplace : bool, default: False
        If ``True``, overwrite this mesh with the triangulated

    edge_source : pyvista.PolyData, optional
        Specify the source object used to specify constrained
        edges and loops. If set, and lines/polygons are defined, a
        constrained triangulation is created. The lines/polygons
        are assumed to reference points in the input point set
        (i.e. point ids are identical in the input and

    progress_bar : bool, default: False
        Display a progress bar to indicate progress.

        Mesh from the 2D delaunay filter.

    First, generate 30 points on circle and plot them.

    >>> import pyvista as pv
    >>> points = pv.Polygon(n_sides=30).points
    >>> circle = pv.PolyData(points)
    >>> circle.plot(show_edges=True, point_size=15)

    Use :func:`delaunay_2d` to fill the interior of the circle.

    >>> filled_circle = circle.delaunay_2d()
    >>> filled_circle.plot(show_edges=True, line_width=5)

    Use the ``edge_source`` parameter to create a constrained delaunay
    triangulation and plot it.

    >>> squar = pv.Polygon(n_sides=4, radius=8, fill=False)
    >>> squar = squar.rotate_z(45, inplace=False)
    >>> circ0 = pv.Polygon(center=(2, 3, 0), n_sides=30, radius=1)
    >>> circ1 = pv.Polygon(center=(-2, -3, 0), n_sides=30, radius=1)
    >>> comb = circ0 + circ1 + squar
    >>> tess = comb.delaunay_2d(edge_source=comb)
    >>> tess.plot(cpos='xy', show_edges=True)

    See :ref:`triangulated_surface` for more examples using this filter.

Apply the delaunay_2d filter.

surf = cloud.delaunay_2d()

# And plot it with edges shown
d create tri surface

Clean Edges & Triangulations#

# Create the points to triangulate
x = np.arange(10, dtype=float)
xx, yy, zz = np.meshgrid(x, x, [0])
points = np.column_stack((xx.ravel(order="F"), yy.ravel(order="F"), zz.ravel(order="F")))
# Perturb the points
points[:, 0] += np.random.rand(len(points)) * 0.3
points[:, 1] += np.random.rand(len(points)) * 0.3

# Create the point cloud mesh to triangulate from the coordinates
cloud = pv.PolyData(points)
N Cells100
N Points100
N Strips0
X Bounds6.170e-03, 9.294e+00
Y Bounds1.860e-02, 9.293e+00
Z Bounds0.000e+00, 0.000e+00
N Arrays0

d create tri surface

Run the triangulation on these points

surf = cloud.delaunay_2d()
surf.plot(cpos="xy", show_edges=True)
d create tri surface

Note that some of the outer edges are unconstrained and the triangulation added unwanted triangles. We can mitigate that with the alpha parameter.

surf = cloud.delaunay_2d(alpha=1.0)
surf.plot(cpos="xy", show_edges=True)
d create tri surface
Open In Colab

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.985 seconds)

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